Young Nicky.

Created by Jean 7 months ago
We knew Nick when he was just a baby, hence the name Nicky, which is what I will always remember him as.   He came, with his mother, to live with us during the war as an evacuee. Later his brother Billy was born. i have fond memories of them but mostly Nicky as he was nearer to my age.  Our mothers became good friends and kept in touch after the war. I knew he had married Renate but not much after that until a recent urge about mid September this year made me Google him.  Wikipedia gave me an update which was very interesting. It was a shock when the second time I went to Wikipedia I learnt he had died on the 23rd.  I find it strange that after decades of no contact I should feel compelled to "look him up" about the time he was leaving this life.  My love to the family.  Jean White (Rolfe)